Well, the 2006-07 budgets certainly tried to do that. I have them right here. I looked through them as we were talking and before preparing for the meeting. The economic statement and all of these things are drivers and indicators that this government is trying to help business—trying to make sure we're competitive and trying to get a tax rate down to the lowest in the G-7. What all of this tells me is that we need to continue to work together, obviously, and we need to continue to come up with results that are going to benefit.
Mr. Jones, I know I don't have much time, but I have a very quick question to you. You mentioned marketing in the United States. I am one of those you alluded to, in terms of being from Niagara. Obviously, I appreciate your doing that and standing up for the tourism industry, not only in Canada but specifically in Niagara.
I'm intrigued with the marketing part of it. If it is going to have a direct benefit, could you very quickly describe what that might be?