My basic feeling is that these are faulty products that have been developed. Our own firm was never invested in them. They were bought by people who wanted to have better performance, and they got eight or ten basis points more by going into these products. We didn't go into them because we didn't understand them. We felt that if you had a short-term piece of paper with Alcan, you would get paid at the end of the period when it was due. But how do you go after 100 people who have mortgages that don't come due for another 10 years? So it was a faulty piece of paper. We believe that everybody should basically have seen through this kind of thing.
I don't believe in government bailouts and I don't believe in subsidies, but I believe in playing fields that are predictable. There I come back to what I said before, that we have to arrive at a band in which our dollar relates to the American dollar, or adopt the American dollar, because we cannot live and have our industry destroyed every 20 years. We cannot ask people to invest here if the chance is they get wiped out in 15 or 10 years, or whatever it will be in the next cycle.