Maybe I could answer your question in two parts: what are some of the things we can do to protect investors, and then, what could this committee usefully do?
In terms of protecting investors, absolutely, that is a key interest of the federal government. Getting back to the Hockin panel, an important aspect of what they've been asked to do is to look at investor protection, and in particular how to enhance enforcement in this country of securities regulation.
Another thing I think we can do is try to enhance financial literacy in this country. In the last budget, the government provided some funding to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. The B.C. Securities Commission had created a very nice course for high school students on financial literacy, so the idea was for the FCAC to create a web-based product for all Canadians to try to improve financial literacy.
I think those are two examples: improving people's understanding, and then enhancing enforcement so that if people are not living up to the standards they should be, they will be prosecuted.