I call the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance to order. The order of the day, pursuant to the order of reference of Wednesday, December 2, 2009, is Bill C-10, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on January 27, 2009 and related fiscal measures. This is the clause-by-clause consideration of Bill C-10.
Members, I just want to make a couple of points. We do have two legislative clerks with us, if we require their expertise on procedure. I think they've been helping members with their amendments. It's a very large bill, so it may take some time to go through. I will go through each clause, and when we come to a clause where there is a proposed amendment, I will ask the member to move the amendment. Then I will give the ruling on the amendment, whether it is admissible or not. Of course, members can appeal to the committee.
Also, for members' information, we do have officials from the Department of Finance here in the room. If there are any questions on any particular subject, please indicate that to me and I will call the relevant officials to the table for any information they can provide to us.
So I'm going to proceed fairly slowly, as we do have a large bill. I want to make sure that we know exactly what we're doing.
We'll start clause-by-clause consideration pursuant to Standing Order 75(1).
(Clause 1 allowed to stand)
(On clause 2)