Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Amendment NDP-10 is similar to the earlier amendment—it seeks to avoid giving the minister discretionary authority so large that he or she would be able to completely gut an act whose purpose is to protect navigable waters. Clause 327 refers to an enabling provision—one that allows the regulatory authority to make regulations regarding the implementation of the act. Subclause 12(1) reads as follows:
12.(1) The Governor in Council may make any orders or regulations that the Governor in Council deems expedient for navigation purposes respecting any work to which this Part applies or that is approved or the plans inside of which are approved under any Act of Parliament or order of the Governor in Council and may make regulations: a) prescribing the fees [...] b) respecting the grant [...] c) prescribing the period [...] d) respecting notification requirements [...]
And finally, the following will added:
e) establishing classes of works or navigable waters for the purpose of subsection 5.1(1);
We can see what is going to happen. This new enabling provision will make it possible to put into the garbage can the protection that has existed until today under the Navigable Waters Protection Act. Actually, this will throw the garbage can into the navigable waters, and there will be nothing we can do about it.
Section 12.1 is the enabling provision of the statute, Mr. Chairman. At the present time, it provides that:
The Governor in Council may make any orders or regulations that the Governor in Council deems expedient for navigation purposes respecting any work to which this part applies or that is approved or the plans and site of which are approved under any Act of Parliament or order of the Governor in Council, and may make regulations
Then it prescribes a number of subjects with regard to fees, grants, or suspension of approvals, and prescribing the periods respecting notification requirements.
But here is what's new, and this is preoccupying for us:
establishing classes of works or navigable waters for the purposes of subsection 5.1(1)
As we saw before, proposed section 5.1 is the move the Conservatives are putting on the Navigable Waters Protection Act to gut it, to remove all meaning of navigable waters protection in Canada. It's going to set up these categories. Here we're saying it's the Governor in Council. So Minister Baird, the Minister of Transport, will arrive with a list of sizes of projects and all sorts of things that will no longer be subject to the protection of this act. He'll have that rubber-stamped by his colleagues around the cabinet table and that will become the law.
People sometimes don't realize that we evoke the notion of laws and regulations as if they were the same thing. Today we're looking at the overall framework of the law, but the detailed application of the law has to come in the form of regulations. It's interesting that when the Conservatives were in opposition they used to rail against the fact that all too often, as legislators, we were being asked to pass bills where the substance was going to come in the form of regulations. Well, the difference is that the law sets out the large picture and the regulations give the detailed application.
Here they're adding a new power for regulation-making. But in this case, exceptionally, the regulation-making is actually going to amend the substance of the act.
If you look at what I mentioned before, the other headings in proposed section 12 are the normal type of thing you do by regulation. You prescribe fees: how much it costs to make this demand or this request. You say how long it's going to be enforced and things like that. That's the type of detailed application you don't normally trouble Parliament with; you give a regulatory power to somebody to take care of that.
But here the regulatory power isn't to prescribe fees or look at a time limit; the regulatory power will eviscerate the law. It will take out any real meaning in the statute for the protection of navigable waters. That's what's being granted here as a power.
Last night we had an officer from the department before us who explained that as far as he was concerned we were building in a new “tiered approval process”. Those were his exact words. Well, if you look through this, you won't find a tiered approval process. Obviously the senior bureaucrats have already decided what we're going to do. They're taking it for granted. I find that a bit offensive in terms of respect for our institutions. I think that parliamentarians are actually the ones who get to decide what goes into our statutes and what happens.
I've always believed--and I've been both in government and in opposition--that parliamentarians have a right to know the substance of what they are being asked to vote on. Here we're being deprived of that right. We don't know the substance of what we're being asked to vote on. We don't know what's going to be in an eventual regulation adopted under proposed section 12, under this new paragraph (e). We simply don't know what the “classes of works or navigable waters” for the purposes of the new section 5.1 will be. That's this new exception section. We don't know what it is. Apparently the bureaucracy knows. We don't. I find that offensive.
Usually, the act sets out the most important rules governing the issue at hand, in this case the protection of navigable waters. Until quite recently, section 12 provided for a number of matters that could be determined by regulations: the fees payable, rules regarding the granting of permits, the period during which an approval was valid. That is the type of detail that we normally do not bother Parliament with. These implementation details are properly handled through the regulations. We often talk about both acts and regulations. But there is actually a big difference between the two. Parliament deals with legislation, but it delegates the authority to set out the details for the implementation of the legislation. That is why we refer to this as an enabling provision.
This provision sets out the various subjects for which new rules can be established. However, what is extremely disturbing is that this will create a full new authority to establish, without restriction, the classes of works and navigable waters to which subclause 5.1(1) applies. That provision reads as follows:
Despite section 5, a work may be built or placed in, on, over, under, through or across any navigable water without meeting the requirements [...]
This is the new system that the Conservatives are putting forward. The successive sincerity of the Conservatives on this matter is constantly amazing. I have never seen people who can say one thing when they are in opposition—namely that it is unacceptable for Parliamentarians to be required to vote on legislation when they do not know the details of it—and who can close their eyes to the whole situation when they are in power and become puppets and accept absolutely anything their government puts forward. I find that very disturbing.
Fortunately we heard from the lawyer, Mr. Amos, from the University of Ottawa yesterday evening, and another from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, in Toronto. Had we not heard from those two well-respected legal experts, I think the government would have gotten away with this. It sent in someone from the department to say that he really did not see what the problem was. A Conservative member of Parliament, a woman, asked whether this would change anything about canoeing on the Ottawa River for people. Questions of that type cannot be invented. The answer was not very surprising—it was “no”.
As far as the Conservatives are concerned, there is no problem. It is wild, but it is true. You had to be there. It is too bad, they had scheduled the meeting from 8:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. So people could not really get a true sense of it. A very colourful, likeable farmer from a rural region in Ontario came in to talk about the Drainage Act in Ontario, Fisheries and Oceans, and so on. That law comes under provincial jurisdiction; Fisheries and Oceans had nothing to do with what was being said. What should have been talked about was the anecdote he heard from the owner of a small tractor. We never saw any document that stated that the Navigable Waters Protection Act contained a real problem. This is called defending your arguments by means of anecdotes. There is nothing we can use as a basis to move forward.
Fortunately, there were some groups that were concerned about navigable waters in Canada. They saw what the Conservatives were up to, probably because of the fine work done by Louis-Gilles Francoeur of Le Devoir. He was the first one to sound the alarm about the real intentions of the Conservatives regarding environmental assessment. Let us just say that these assessments and the issue we are discussing at the moment go together.
This will have a serious impact on construction capacity. There are no doubt some developers and mayors behind this. I am not taking anything away from them—most of them are extremely dedicated people. Let us be honest here: mayors tend to see wetland as a missed opportunity to broaden their tax base. Until now, there was a federal statute that prevented abuse.
Mr. Chair, I want to take a couple of minutes to talk about this issue, to dispute the Conservatives' assertions that all of this is because these things take too long. Apparently this is supposed to have something to do with speeding up the process, with making it more flexible. We are told that the problem is that there are too many approval processes and environmental assessments.
When I was the Quebec Minister of the Environment, I was often fed exactly the same argument. I remember being with my former colleague in natural resources, and we heard this same assertion from the executives of Hydro-Quebec. They told me that environmental considerations were preventing them from carrying out their projects. I therefore told them to give me concrete cases, not anecdotes. With a great deal of difficulty, they managed to come up with one or two such cases. Do you know what we did? We got out the books. We looked at the steps of the project from start to finish. The project had taken six years, and the environmental assessment, three months. There is no doubt that the social approval component, the analysis of the impact on ecosystems, the engineering work, and so on took up the most time.
Let us take a look at the situation in which we find ourselves. We are imposing a tremendous debt on future generations. The proposed budget will result in a huge financial debt that future generations will have to pay down. Rather than being even more prudent in environmental matters and doing everything we can to build things that will at least be beneficial to future generations, we are leaving them this debt and we are scrapping the environment at the same time. This is the very opposite of sustainable development. It is about our generation's obligation to respect the right of future generations to have what we ourselves had. We enjoyed the benefits of a Navigable Waters Protection Act. But the Conservatives, with the Liberal as accomplices, are going to scrap this protection. That is what is scandalous about the matter we are considering here today.
Mr. Chair, we are getting right to the heart of the matter. This clause is absolutely crucial. It will enable the Conservatives to eviscerate the Navigable Waters Protection Act.
Not only are we leaving a massive debt on the shoulders of future generations—because the budget that we have before us, of course, as you know, is providing for a huge deficit, the biggest deficit since the last time the Conservatives were in power—but it's also taking away from future generations their right to have a clean environment like ours. That's the essence of sustainable development as expounded by Gro Harlem Brundtland, that we have an obligation towards future generations to make sure their standard of living, the place where they're living, their environment, how they're living, is no less favourable than the one that we enjoy.
Here we have to be doubly careful, because we are shovelling onto their shoulders a heavy financial burden for the future. They're going to have to pay off this debt. I don't know about you, but I'm going to be long retired before this thing ever gets paid back. At the same time, we're taking away the clean environment and the protection of navigable waters that our generation and generations before us have enjoyed. So what's on the table here today is doubly scandalous.
I hope that if they don't believe in anything else—we know they don't believe in union rights, we know they don't believe in women's rights—perhaps there's a faint beating heart in one of the Liberals who's going to be called upon to vote on this. We know the Conservatives don't give a hoot about the environment, but there was a time when there were at least a few people in the Liberal Party, even if they never did anything about it, who were able to talk a good game on the environment. So let's hope that on this article, this enabling provision for the Conservatives to gut navigable waters protection in Canada, there will be one Liberal with a conscience who will actually stop, for one vote, being a member of Her Majesty's official abstention and remember that they're supposed to be Her Majesty's official opposition, and actually screw up the courage to do the right thing to protect future generations' right to have the same environment we've been able to enjoy, and to vote against this nefarious amendment.