It's number 3685933.
So 3685689 and 3685802, in their respective cases, would have given the same protection to “persons who are employed as lawyers whose employer is, in each case...”, the same treatment as the Border Services group. In the second case, it would have given to the economics and social sciences services group the same treatment as the Border Services group. These are the people who appeared before us last night and explained to us that there was simply a slip-up, that they were the only ones given this treatment. And the Liberal Party was interesting last night. It was Mr. McKay, in fact, who used the word “sledgehammer” and said that they had a legitimate grievance, so I'm quite convinced that Mr. McKay is as anxious as we are to rectify that legitimate grievance.
So if numbers 3685689 and 3685802 are not acceptable, we propose to use 3685933.