Mr. Chairman, it is for the express purpose of accelerating our work that I like the suggestion made by Mr. Pacetti to group together the clauses requiring no amendment.
But because it is a question that was raised by Mr. Menzies and you allowed him to speak to it, and I assume you're going to accord me the same privilege, I will say that not only was Mr. Menzies' personal attack totally untoward, it was also misguided. I'm not going to be made to feel guilty as a member of Parliament for doing the job I was elected to do, which is to see how Parliament spends its money. It's not our fault that your government suspended Parliament and prorogued it for two months. The attribution of undue intentions on our part is of course unparliamentary, and Mr. Menzies should apologize, but I know he won't.
But I will tell you this. We're going to do our jobs and we're going to do them with our heads held high. We think it's scandalous that the Liberals are supporting the Conservatives on issues that take away women's rights, take away environmental protections, take away union rights, and do nothing for the unemployed. So yes, we will be forcing votes on these issues because we think that the Canadian public wants to know what groups are able to stand up for them. They'll know that the Liberal Party of Canada has completely caved in and no longer represents anything in terms of principle.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.