Thank you for your question.
First it's important to understand what OSFI's mandate is. We are responsible for assessing the safety and soundness of Canadian banks and federally incorporated life companies and trust companies and private pension plans.
For Canadians, a strong banking system is incredibly important. You need a strong banking system in order to ensure your banks are in a position to continue to lend and to ensure that people do not lose when they put their money into banks and insurance companies. That's what we do.
There are other parts of the financial system that we do not oversee. So when speaking about OSFI, I think we have to focus on what our mandate is.
In terms of what we've done in the last year, we've been relatively fortunate compared to other regulators around the world who have had to deal with failing banks and governments taking over banks, etc. Our role in Canada has been to continue to examine the banks, and given the amount of turmoil, we've increased that substantially.
But as I say, we have been very fortunate in the sense that we have not had to take the kinds of measures that other regulators around the world have had to take.