What I'd say there, Mr. McKay, is that I think Canadian banks are very well viewed around the world, and we're seeing all sorts of increasingly good commentary about our system here. The challenge, though, is that the marketplace simply isn't functioning as well as it should. We saw that, particularly starting in October, and it's settled down a bit, but it still is not what you would call back to that “normal” state.
For instance, Nancy was talking about the need to match funds. Five-year subordinated debt is a standard funding mechanism. The usual run rate before the crisis was about a spread of 35 bases points. The spread is now up over 500 bases points, and that's the money that you can get and that has to be taken into account. So yes, we're seen as very creditworthy, but in the context of generally disrupted international markets, everything is out of whack, so our costs are higher.