I'm not terribly informed on that matter. I just know that a lot of the newcomers whom we are working with, and whom we've worked through various agencies to try to assist, struggle with all aspects of getting their financial house in order once they come here, getting their credentials assessed and so forth.
In many cases, they're also concerned about whom to trust for advice and guidance. What we're finding is that, in many cases, newcomers are turning more towards their communities, towards those in their ethnic groups, religious organizations, which in some cases is problematic, because they may be turning to people who, though trustworthy, lack the expertise to provide proper guidance.
I know that the banks are increasingly trying to set up departments within their institutions to deal with newcomers. We've been involved with Scotiabank and also with Royal Bank and others who are trying to attend better to the needs of newcomers.
But your point is well taken, and it's not confined to the mortgage and credit issue, but it bears on various aspects of financial planning here in Canada.