Sure, I'll go very quickly.
The lease and loan financing industry, and the auto sector, and the vehicle sector certainly perceive a sense of urgency in seeing financing move quickly. Absolutely they do. From the point of view of designing and running a program, however, there are just a few things that you have to get right.
One of the issues is that we're talking about government buying securities from the marketplace of a form that doesn't actually exist yet. So it is possible that the government could use existing channels of securitization; however, if we want credit-enhanced products, as described in the budget, and if we want them to provide adequate taxpayer protection, it's going to take just a little bit of time to design and bring those securities to market. The sector can do it, and the program will roll out, as I understand, in the very near future. I also understand it would be quite reasonable to look for a rollout in June of this year.