No, it's “Keep it simple, customer”, or KISC.
We've seen programs that were put forward for the banks in the fall that were just not taken up by the banks because they didn't work. That was because either the pricing was too high or some other criterion just didn't work and didn't reflect the marketplace. So I think it's extremely important to keep it simple.
The last point is that we cannot wait for the government to create its own internal major infrastructure to deal with this issue, because if we wait for staffing rules and practices, procedures, and forms, it will be 18 months from now and we'll find that the marketplace has changed dramatically.
There are a lot of people out there. This is an industry that was well known, that has been around for 25 or 30 years, with a lot of expertise. Quite frankly, as I've told people at Finance, the people who have the expertise that the government can draw upon are underemployed right now, and my concern is that in a few months' time they may be unemployed and we'll lose a lot of expertise that we will need going forward.