FEI Canada has various technical committees, one of which is the committee on corporate reporting, and so we spend a lot of time talking with the standard setters and accounting regulators. You're right that marked to market is certainly something that's garnered a lot of headlines.
I guess there are a couple of things about it. It's the value at a point in time, and that means a couple of things. The value is the value set if you have a mechanism to accurately measure that value. But the other thing is that it's at a point in time. So if the market swings the way we've seen over the last year, down 17% one week and up 20% the other week, well, you have to be lucky as to when your year-end is.
Ultimately, there was something back when I was in school many years ago called the efficient market hypothesis, which basically said to disclose everything and then it really shouldn't matter, because it will be completely transparent as to what the value of the instrument is. One of the things to ensure is that all of the information is out there so that, whichever model is used, at least the investors have all the information available to them to make the assessments.