There are many questions in there. Let me address the issue of contrition or our responsibility as a major participant in not just the Canadian capital markets but in global capital markets.
We accept our share of responsibility for the ratings, for all ratings that we provide. They are opinions. They're based on public methodologies. We're very public about how we got to those ratings. In fact, the day after we met with interested parties—investors, media, anyone—to talk about those ratings.
So we accept responsibility in the context of unforeseen events in the global market.
Since that time, we've taken a number of steps to improve our rating process. First of all, as I said in my remarks, our level of disclosure now for asset-backed commercial paper is the highest standard in the world, and we provide more disclosure on a transaction-by-transaction basis on what's in the portfolio, the type of assets. We provide that on a monthly basis.
Secondly, we've enhanced a number of our methodologies, based on some of the learnings we've had, not just in asset-backed but in a whole range of securities. The securitization market is a massive market, and asset-backed is just one part of it. So we've enhanced a number our methodologies. We're created a structured finance committee, which now approves any methodology or model from many areas of the firm, so that not one area can dominate its view. As I've said, we now follow, and fully subscribe to and have been approved by, the IOSCO code, which is securities commissions—Quebec, Ontario, and all the securities commissions, major ones, on the planet.