I submitted to you three articles from the National Post, which talk a lot about OMERS and the decisions they made.
We're opposed to the payment holidays. But just talking about payment holidays and percentages of surplus doesn't get to the root topic. If you remove them and you ask people to do prudent investment, if companies cannot see any reason for having a surplus, they're not going to have one. They're going to be running at 100%. It's about changing the fundamentals of how we deal with them. As long as we're talking about a surplus, we're talking about companies and people viewing this as a way of saving money and passing it on to taxpayers. If that's removed, if the investment structures are properly run and there is no reason for a company to run a surplus, they won't. Trust me.
We talked about 2007. In 2005 and 2006, these same companies, in a time of unprecedented boom, with record profits year after year, were coming here claiming relief. We shouldn't make bad laws in bad times.