We've done some research on this question of governance and the impact of governance on results, and there is in fact a statistically significant relationship. What you find is that when you put together a board, it needs to have a public service attitude and dimension, but it also needs to have the composite skill and experience that's relevant to the mission of the organization.
In a lot of funds, not just at the Caisse de dépôt but, for example, in most of the U.S. public sector plans, there is in fact a heavy political overlay in how appointments to boards are made. In the U.S., if you look at CalPERS, you have a number of elected politicians sitting on the board of trustees. I think that creates potential conflicts. These people are not necessarily in the best position to oversee the affairs of a long-horizon investment organization. So, yes, I think how you put together a board is tremendously important.