There's no question that the issue of the perimeter of regulation, if I may, catching those institutions that have potentially systemic implications, such as hedge funds in some jurisdictions and such as, as it turned out in Canada, arguably the institutions that created the vehicles of non-bank asset-backed commercial paper, which ended up being quasi-systemic in Canada...that the ability, from time to time, of the financial industry to innovate around the regulatory net has to be addressed.
That is a decision for the G-20 leaders, and it has to be put into practice. It requires coordination. As the bank, we work with the system we have, so we do sit down--well, at least on a quarterly basis, and in fact more frequently, given the nature of the times--with the provincial securities commissions in tandem with the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and the federal Department of Finance to discuss these types of issues to see how we can address them in the current framework. That doesn't mean the framework might not be better if it were to be changed, but we're working within the current framework.