A straight loan to them. Okay. I appreciate that.
For our friends from GE, I've heard, and it's been talked about before, that Textron has left the business of floor plan financing, leaving you folks basically the only ones in the game at this point. It has been mentioned before, the secured piece that's out there, which we're promoting, that's coming--but not available as yet--includes automotive, equipment leasing, but it does not include RV and marine at this point. They're excluded. I believe it's because of the rating of the businesses in terms of their credit ratings.
As GE, what are you hoping to accomplish through this facility when it comes? What is it that you're looking for? I know you talked about the British model and about another fund they have, but what do you need from us? If we get this facility up and running, how quickly can you, will you, have access to that? Will you be able to use that money fairly quickly? Where are you with--