Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to our witnesses.
This has proven to be a most fascinating study that we've gotten into, but a very critical one. You folks represent the people whom we represent as well--the dealers, the auto dealers, the RV dealers, the financiers who back these operations--so it's good to hear from you.
We keep hearing this recurring theme about the difference in financing. We still have bank financing. The Canadian Bankers Association will come in and tell us that their numbers are up; they're lending more money. It's the non-bank financing that has disappeared from the market, and that's what has created the pressure on all of you folks. We recognize that.
We're dealing with taxpayers' money here in this secured lending facility, so we're trying to make sure that we protect taxpayers' money. We've given the business, if you will, to BDC to get this out, knowing that they haven't had to push this much money out, and report back to government, report back to Canadians, that they've done it the right way.
There was an interesting article in the Globe this morning that quoted Mr. Richard Gauthier:
But even Mr. Gauthier acknowledges that Ottawa must tread carefully as it wades into this area for the first time.
“There is no infrastructure, there's no mechanism in place in Canada at this stage to accommodate this kind of credit facility, so they've basically got to start from a clean piece of paper with [BDC] and all of the stakeholders and invent the process.”
So we appreciate your patience. We're hoping that BDC can get it right but get it moving. That's our concern, I guess, and I'm sure it's yours as well.
StatsCan figures show--I just got this note on my BlackBerry--that auto sales and auto manufacturing and parts manufacturing are up 19% this month over last. I guess I'm a little surprised that it's up 19%.
Mr. Campbell, perhaps you would comment on that. Your model, of having skin in the game, to me makes a lot of sense. That's maybe not the right way to term it, but you folks are the people who are involved in this, and you're doing some of your own financing.
How do we deal with this AAA rating that has to be met?