Well, there really isn't much choice. People mentioned earlier the notion that credit cards and debit cards have become an absolutely rock solid part of our payment system. You can't see ever going backwards, for all kinds of good reasons. And there are certainly benefits. Nobody denies that it's good not to have to handle cash. There are absolute benefits provided.
We have had some of our members protest. They wanted to do cash only sales. In some businesses that might be feasible, typically on small-ticket items and things like that. But it might be worth knowing that in the U.S. a number of years ago, when some of these trends first started happening there, Wal-Mart actually refused to accept MasterCard for a while as a protest. But even Wal-Mart , the most humongous retailer on the planet, had to go back and accept MasterCard. So what chance is some little guy on Main Street going to have?