I agree that every consumer has personal responsibility. We're not saying that once you get credit, there is no responsibility. Unfortunately, what we're hearing loud and clear from these card holders is that they're not being counselled back. I'm sure that's happening, but from the people I'm hearing from, it's the opposite. We're hearing the complete opposite, that their cards were at 18% and are now going up to a punitive 24% to 25%, because they've been late or they've missed a payment, even though they've been communicating with whatever the institution it is.
To comment on something Mr. Menzies was mentioning, I think it's important to recognize that if you want to police yourselves, so to speak...and yet we're hearing these stories and are getting constant examples of this; it's starting to tie the hands of government from having to say, “We're going to have to get in there and do something.”
What do you recommend we do? You're talking about the counselling side of it, and I'm sure everyone else can give me some examples of that, but we can give you stacks and stacks and stacks from the opposite side, of e-mails and letters of people saying, “How is this fair and how is this right?”