I'm going to speak in English, just to make it easier.
I think we can do both. I think if Mr. Wallace's suggestion becomes a third bullet, and we make the amendment Mr. McCallum is suggesting, we get the best of both worlds. We will have the people in, as Mr. Wallace is suggesting. We're going to have something studied that's a concrete proposal that might or might not be the solution, in light of everything else we've said.
So if we put in Mr. Wallace's suggestion as a third bullet, and we still send it off to study, one doesn't stop the other. They might come back and say, well, there are other things that have to be looked at.
I think we've managed to.... It's all implicit. Mr. McCallum's was implicit in what we were saying. We have no trouble with it. But I think Mr. Wallace has a good idea. Let's add it as a third bullet.