We can nevertheless agree on the fact that 10 times more was invested in the auto industry, and that's all fine and well for those working in that industry, but that is not the issue. We need to know why he is not providing proportional assistance to the forestry sector. The answer is, as you have said yourself so often in English:
governments don't pick winners.
This means that governments are not able to judge economic sectors.
Does the minister agree with us in saying that since the Second World War, Canada which is the second largest country in the world, has been successful in developing a balanced economy, with a primary resource sector, particularly in the area of forests and mines? We have managed to create jobs in these vast regions, develop and benefit from the land. However all this has been endangered by the Conservative ideology.
In fact, well before the current crisis began, we had already lost hundreds of thousands of jobs because of this doctrinaire stubbornness. These people are refusing to see that, in order to ensure a balance within this vast country, instead of giving money to the big oil companies out west or the banks, which really didn't need it, they should have provided strategic intervention, on a sectoral basis, to support those sectors of the economy instead of witnessing what is happening now happen. The unemployment rate is the worst it is been in a generation.