I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at on the fiscal balance question. If you're concerned about Quebec, the transfers to Quebec this year are more than $8 billion. The health transfer is growing at 6% per year, and the Canada social transfer is growing at 3% per year. The transfers to the provinces have never been higher than they are this year. That's the reality. Canadians need to know that.
We are not attempting to budget on the basis of cutting back transfer payments to the provinces. That's what the Liberals did in 1995 and the years after that. I know, because I was a provincial minister in those days. We had tremendous challenges with schools, hospitals, and social services because the Government of Canada at the time decided to balance its budget on the backs of the provinces and the people in the provinces. We're not going to do that federally. It means we'll run a deficit for several years, but it's the right thing to do.