--to continue to support our nation's economic recovery.
Mr. Johnson, I have a couple of questions for you. I'd like to thank you very much for your presentation and your proposals. I think there's great merit there that deserves very serious consideration. I also know that you're a highly recognized and very well respected investment industry professional.
I was reading recently about the fairly strong recovery in public security markets. We're not quite back to where we were at the peak last year, but things are trending in the right direction. Could you comment for us on how that will impact the charitable sector in Canada and, in particular, the 2006 budget measure that you mentioned with respect to the donation of public securities to charities?
As well, could you comment on how our government support for the small business sector in Canada with the new and advantageous low small business tax rates might also make the donation of private company shares more advantageous to the not-for-profit sector?