Perfect. Thank you very much, and thank you for inviting the Multiple Sclerosis Society to present today. We are pleased to provide input on behalf of Canadians affected by multiple sclerosis.
First a little about MS. It is an often progressive and disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. MS has a profound impact on the ability of people to earn a living. Most people with MS are diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40, just when they are finishing school, starting careers, and beginning families. Over time, up to 80% of people with MS can no longer work. Sometimes this is because the disability becomes so severe, but at other times it's because of a lack of understanding and accommodation by employers.
We are asking the federal government to tackle this issue in two ways. First, the MS Society asks for significant and sustained investments in health research that will lead in the future to better treatments and ultimately a cure for MS and other chronic conditions. Second, the MS Society asks for immediate changes to the Income Tax Act and employment insurance as part of the development of an overall income security strategy for people affected by MS and other disabilities and chronic diseases. These changes will help people affected by MS today.
The MS Society believes strongly that the road to a healthy future depends upon Canada living up to its potential as a leader in health research innovation. Mobilizing Science and Technology to Canada's Advantage, the science and technology strategy announced in 2007, acknowledges that world-class research excellence is Canada's standard and that talented, skilled, creative people are the most critical element of a successful national economy over the long term.
The MS Society is committed to this goal as well. We fund a $10 million research program annually, which supports the very best research projects from coast to coast and fellowships and scholarships for young scientists to attract them to the challenging world of MS research. Canadian MS researchers are acknowledged internationally for advancing knowledge about MS in children, the impact of genetics, the use of bone marrow transplantation as a potential therapy, and exploring vitamin D as a possible disease prevention strategy.
In our view, the Government of Canada needs to direct much more attention and investment to reaching the goal of world-class research excellence. In particular, there is a pressing need to focus on bolstering discovery health research. This is the kind of research that leads to the creation of fundamental knowledge that makes possible commercialization as well as improvements to the health of Canadians down the road.
In our brief we urge the government to commit Canada to be a world leader by providing significant new funding. We suggest an additional $350 million be immediately invested in health research, with at least 70% directed to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. It is vital that this funding not be a one-off investment but that it be sustained in following years. In our brief we suggest ways that this type of investment could be measured for success in the future.
It is equally important to help people affected by MS today, so we're asking for a twofold approach. First, we're asking for a commitment to the development of an overall income strategy for people affected by MS and other chronic diseases and disabilities. This strategy should pay particular attention to the needs of people with episodic disabilities. Those are the kinds of disabilities and diseases that come and go, with unpredictable worsening and recovery. People with episodic disabilities don't fit easily into existing programs or plans and are often left without any kind of support.
As part of this commitment, we ask for some immediate changes to the Income Tax Act and employment insurance. One, we suggest that this could include allowing spouses to claim the caregiver amount. Right now they are not allowed to claim this tax credit. We believe employment insurance sickness benefits should be made more flexible to allow people with MS to work part-time and to receive partial benefits. Finally, we suggest the disability tax credit be made a refundable benefit.
The adoption of these modest but important changes would be a good first step forward toward the development of an overall income security strategy for people with disabilities. These changes would support people affected by MS in their efforts to continue to contribute to the Canadian economy and to remain part of their communities. All of our recommendations that we've mentioned today are in areas that are under federal jurisdiction and, we believe, fit well with current policy directions.
The MS Society of Canada is working very hard to end MS once and for all through increased funding of MS research, but until that day comes, quality of life is equally important to people affected by this disease. We believe our recommendations will make a meaningful difference to their quality of life.
Thank you. I look forward to hearing your questions.