These offset arrangements are long-standing agreements, the origins of which, in some cases, go back to the late sixties, early seventies.
This agreement attempts to work out a framework for offshore oil and gas development and who would benefit from offshore oil and gas development, who owns the offshore resources. Over time, involving many different governments and many different steps, different agreements were put in place, including the 1985 accord. They have lots of different provisions, but in the case of the offset payments to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, there are provisions for the offsets to protect or to limit the decline of Newfoundland's equalization year over year, and it's perfectly within the way those arrangements were structured that they provided transition protection after the Province of Newfoundland went out of equalization.
I believe a similar arrangement was in place in Alberta for a brief period when it may have collected equalization. I'm not sure about that, but it would be worth checking. I could check for you, if you like. Anyway, it's very much within the workings of the 1985 accord that it provides transition protection for a period of time after the province goes out of equalization.