Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
My question is for Ms. Donnelly.
About five or six months ago the education department of a particular Canadian province published a report. The province in question is not Quebec. After studying the adult population of the province, the education department noted that 50% of the adults in the province could be considered functional illiterates.
It is a real problem in today's society. I do not have exact statistics for Quebec or other Canadian provinces, but it remains the case that a significant percentage of the Canadian population can be considered to be functionally illiterate. That does not mean that these people do not know how to read and write; it means that the majority do not understand what they're reading. Even in today's society, a significant proportion of the young people coming out of our school can be considered functional illiterates. It is very difficult for such people to undertake post-secondary education. It is also very difficult for them to keep themselves informed and navigate their way through the labour market; for example, it can make it difficult for them to handle workplace harassment. It can be that serious. It keeps them in poverty. The province in question decided to launch a literacy upgrading program, as surprising as that may seem. Under the program, adults are given the opportunity to go back to school on a part-time basis, in the evenings, to bring their literacy skills up to a functional level, so that they can read and understand what they're reading.
I have some reservations with regard to what you said about the education system. If so many of the people that come out of it are considered functionally illiterate, how can you talk about an efficient system? I come from a riding where, according to the education department's statistics, in one RCM in four, more than 55% of people can be considered functionally illiterate. I repeat, one RCM in four. It is tragic. Those people who have literacy skills have left the region in question, and as a result, we find ourselves with a society that has been progressively weakened. A Senate committee report on rural affairs revealed shocking levels of illiteracy in rural Canada, particularly in the western provinces. I struggle to understand how we have so many functional illiterates, given the education system that we have.