Thank you.
I'm Guy Nelson, the co-chair representing industry for the Coalition for Canadian Astronomy. Paul Hickson is the co-chair representing the Canadian Astronomical Society.
Today the Coalition for Canadian Astronomy will be making an urgent, and perhaps final, appeal to all parties to support Canada's international leadership in astronomy through new funding for our flagship project called the Thirty Meter Telescope or TMT. This project is a perfect example of Canada's potential for international scientific excellence, world-class R and D, and high-tech manufacturing.
Canadian astronomers, universities, and industry have acted boldly to make Canada a world leader in astronomy. Now we need the federal government to be equally bold if we are to maintain our leadership position.
As outlined in an earlier written submission, the coalition is seeking $160 million over the next four fiscal years to fund the detailed design and manufacture of the Thirty Meter Telescope here in Canada. This is a flagship project for Canadian astronomy and will create over 1,000 person years of work for Canadians. Most of that work will be in the area of skilled trades, which have been decimated by the recession.
To put the TMT project into perspective, the telescope itself will be about the same size as Science World here in Vancouver and will be housed in a building as long and as wide as GM Place. The only difference is that it will be 22 storeys high.
It's a major scientific infrastructure project and an ideal fit for Canada's infrastructure-focused stimulus plan. It'll create hundreds of well-paying jobs immediately, while also solidifying Canadian industry as a world leader in the fields of complex design, engineering, and manufacturing.
We recognize that our request is a big one. The coalition has been making submissions to this committee for the past five years in preparing for the upcoming deadline. It's now decision time. Without a commitment to funding in the next budget, Canada will lose its strategic position in the TMT partnership with the Americans, and it will lose the $20 million contribution it's already put towards the design. Other countries are waiting to step in to build the telescope and they will do so using a Canadian design funded by Canadian taxpayers. That would be a devastating blow to Canadian science and industry.
To understand why, let me briefly recap how we got to where we are today. The coalition was formed in 2000 and charted a course for Canadian astronomical excellence. It includes industry, 21 universities in Canada, and the Canadian Astronomical Society. We developed a plan to be world leaders in astronomy and we put it into action. We've been remarkably successful with that plan, and all coalition partners have benefited. Astronomy is now Canada's top science, and Canadian industry has reaped hundreds of millions of dollars in astronomy-related contracts and resulting spinoff work.
The Thirty Meter Telescope will be the world's largest. Canada is currently a 25% partner in the project, second to none, which we achieved by moving early to secure our position. The federal government and the governments of Ontario and B.C. contributed $20 million to fund the design phase, with Vancouver-based Dynamic Structures designing the telescope and the enclosure.
The telescope and enclosure designed by Canadians is ready to be built. It can and should be built here, but that will only happen if we remain a 25% partner. The Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and Brazilians are all eager to take our place. To be blunt, it would be a travesty if Canada walked away at this stage. Rest assured, this telescope will be built.
Given that Canadian industry has built more than half of the telescopes in the world, it would be devastating to see this built by another country using a uniquely Canadian design. Without additional funding, the Canadian designed and funded telescope and enclosure will be built by another country. The 1,050 person years of work will be gone. Equally important, if not more so, this incredible Canadian design will be handed over to another country. In addition, the $20 million already invested by Canada will be lost as another country takes our design and puts its citizens to work instead. If this happens, expect similar controversies to those that erupted over the sale of MDA and Nortel.
Funding the next phase of the Thirty Meter Telescope requires vision and leadership. I can say frankly that further delays and deferrals will end Canada's participation in this project. Without new funding, our partnership expires on March 31. If that happens, it'll be a sad day for Canada and Canadian astronomy. It'll seriously damage the reputation of Canadian astronomy for decades to come. It will also be a devastating blow to Canada's international scientific standing. Canadian astronomers are ranked as the best in the world. To maintain this leadership they need access to the most modern and powerful instruments. The Thirty Meter Telescope will be the best in the world. Without it, our best minds will be lost to other countries.
If government is not prepared to fund Canada's top science—and one that creates large numbers of jobs for Canadian industry—then what are its priorities?
We've spoken about this project with the ministers responsible and with MPs from all parties. All understand the stakes involved and we have had great support for our request on all sides of the House. We hope that support will now translate into funding.
You will see the benefits of that funding immediately. Canada will reaffirm its international leadership in astronomy, and by moving decisively, we will be a driving partner in this project. People will be put to work immediately on the detailed design, engineering, and manufacturing. The Thirty Meter Telescope offers these 1,050 person years of work, international scientific leadership, and the skills and experience Canadian industry needs to compete with the best in the world.
The coalition respectfully suggests that this is the perfect kind of project for an infrastructure-focused stimulus plan, and it's a concrete example of Canada's science and technology strategy at work.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to any questions.