I didn't delve into the details, but I can give very good details on that. Not only am I co-chair representing industry, but I own the company that has built more than half the telescopes in the world in the last 30 years--in Canada.
We've never made a dime on any telescopes, so you can kind of put that one aside, but what it's done is it has made this company the best in the world in mechanical and structural engineering. It's that skill set that we've applied in other industries. We've grown to be a leader in the amusement ride industry, for instance.
In this particular case, this project, we've already spent, in total, $80 million on the design. Canada's portion has been $20 million. That has been spent. So this is ready to be built. It would largely be built in Canada on the fabrication side. It will be erected in Hawaii. The site has been selected, and that's on top of Mauna Kea. It's one of the two best sites in the world.
But the actual jobs are created across Canada. Interestingly, in Canada the major benefit will be for the astronomers, ultimately, when it's built. Canada is a leader in astronomy.
We focused with this government, as you mentioned, on the job creation aspects of it, because it is very real. We think they are jobs of the future, but they are also jobs today. I'll give you a concrete example. I had 800 people working in my firm a year ago, before the recession. We're down to 400. And those are skilled trades people.