A universal affordable child care system is basic to women's equality in Canada or in any society. Women, as we know, are the main caregivers for children and other members of the family. We also know that lack of child care is a barrier to women either entering the workforce or having full-time employment, or entering the workforce and being able to have full-time employment if they so choose.
I do think that child care should be universal whether one is working outside of the home or not or working for pay. I think it should be available to children of women who work in the community or who work and don't receive any pay. I think that would increase women's' participation in economic, social employment, and political spheres in Canada.
I'll just say one last thing. You well know as committee members in the House of Commons that less than 25% of the MPs are women. I would suggest to you that child and family care would be a major factor in that statistic, which is a shameful one.