Thank you very much.
I'm very pleased to be here on behalf of the PDAC and the Canadian exploration sector.
Mining is a globally competitive business. Canadian exploration companies can and do explore for minerals all over the world. In response to the impact of the financial crisis on the minerals industry, we have an opportunity, and I believe an obligation and responsibility, to ensure that Canada remains competitive as a jurisdiction for investment in mineral exploration.
Canada is routinely ranked and assessed as one of the world's most attractive jurisdictions on the basis of its geology. It remains highly under-explored, particularly in the north. However, we also face many challenges. Most of the geology is extremely remote and lacks infrastructure access, making exploration and development extremely expensive. Our northern climate limits the exploration season. And our regulatory regime is expensive, inefficient, and lacks transparency.
Mining is a vital industry in this country and, we think, can play a very important role in our economic future, so we really urge you to consider the recommendations that the PDAC has submitted in order to ensure that the Canadian mineral exploration industry and companies can contribute to Canada's economic recovery.
Thank you very much.