On what it means and why it's so vital right now, we're in very unique circumstances with SMEs across Canada right now. Probably the most predominant aspect that has hit small and medium-sized enterprises across Canada has been the ability to access cash from financial institutions. We all know what has happened with the credit crunch. The reason why it ties back so directly within CCA and the acceleration is that the ability to depreciate that faster enables you to increase the amount of cash flow you'll have in the business for other things. It's absolutely vital right now.
We're not a big business, but we are the lifeblood of what's going on across the country in that. We've invested $2.76 million in capital expenditures in the last two years. Our ability to have some leverage in looking at where that could expand would further assist in our cashflow management. That's really what's taking companies under right now.
I toured Ontario in the spring and saw dramatically what had occurred there in manufacturing. Basically companies were running out of cash. So the acceleration would assist that dramatically.