[Witness speaks in Inuktitut]
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My name is David Simailak. I'm currently the deputy mayor of Baker Lake and I am a business person in that community.
I was previously a member of the Nunavut legislature and a minister of the Nunavut government in the transportation, economic development, energy and finance portfolios. With me as a witness is Andrew Gamble, a consultant who has worked with the community of Baker Lake for many years. Also here with us is His Worship Mayor David Aksawnee, the mayor of Baker Lake, who has been very active in wildlife management and is now serving his third term as mayor of Baker Lake, a rarity in Nunavut actually. Along with our hamlet council, he has long been in support of the Baker Lake airport improvement project.
As you know, Mr. Chair, Nunavut is the most remote, the most sparsely populated, and the least developed of the three northern territories of Canada. The economy of Nunavut is far too dependent on government expenditures and federal transfers. We have the highest percentage of aboriginal residents, with relatively low levels of education and employment. It's not a pretty picture.
On the other hand, Nunavut has a huge non-renewable resource potential. Every study of the Nunavut economy undertaken by government and non-government organizations over the last decades have come to the same conclusion. By far the greatest economic potential for Nunavut lies in development of its non-renewable resources. This remains the only hope for significantly increasing employment and reducing dependence on government transfers.
Two key things are required from government to realize this potential. First is investment in people. Top-notch education and training programs are required to ensure that Nunavut can participate in the economic benefits of development. Second is investment in infrastructure. This means better seaports and airports, power, communications, community infrastructure, and housing. We don't expect highways, but we must rely on the best possible air and marine facilities. Let me simply say that Baker Lake has the only highway in all of Nunavut, a 109-kilometre all-weather gravel road from Baker Lake up to the Meadowbank gold project.
That is why we are here today. Today, Baker Lake and the Kivalliq region are leading Nunavut in non-renewable resource development. Agnico-Eagle's Mines is completing construction of the Meadowbank gold mine north of Baker Lake. This mine alone will add some 30% to the Nunavut GDP. It is already providing over 200 jobs and training to our residents and opportunities for our businesses. Agnico has had to invest in infrastructure that most regions of Canada take for granted, providing its own power, communications, and its own road to the mine.
Resources Canada is actively advancing its Kiggavik uranium property west of Baker Lake. There are other exploration and development prospects throughout the region. To support these developments and to ensure that Baker Lake benefits from them, we have been asking for improvements to our airport. That is what we are asking of you.
My associate, Andrew Gamble, will provide you with a brief overview of the proposal itself.