I have two larger issues. I hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly, Mr. Simailak. First of all, with the four portfolios, I'm wondering what you did in your spare time—transportation, economic development, energy, and finance. You said something that really struck me. You said, “Canada is investing billions in gateways to the west, the south, and the east. We urge you to consider investing in gateways to Canada's north.”
Obviously there's a development agency here in the north now, but the gateway comment hit me because when we were in Vancouver we did a tour of the port of Vancouver. The person there told us that by putting together the Asia-Pacific gateway, the last two governments were able to fund a lot of infrastructure projects under the rubric of that gateway initiative. So instead of the government doing one-offs, there was an overall strategy.
You mentioned the airport, which as Mr. Dechert said, seems eminently reasonable. There was infrastructure funding that needs to happen above and beyond a per capita basis, which the deputy minister talked about. And then the deep-water port was mentioned. I think that's what you're recommending, but is that what you're recommending as a northern gateway strategy, similar to what has been done with the Asia-Pacific gateway?