Good morning. Welcome to P.E.I.
I'll be making a few introductory comments before asking the chair of our task group, Allison Walker, to make a more detailed presentation.
CME has been front and centre on tax-related issues both at the provincial and the national level, and perhaps at no time in the past three generations has government involvement in our economy been more important to ensure a sustainable and competitive economy.
Witnesses at these hearings were asked to focus on two questions. First, we were asked to provide comment with regard to the effectiveness of measures that had been put in place in the last federal budget. The CME has undertaken to poll our members across the country to determine the impact of these measures at the plant floor.
These results will be provided to the committee later this month by our national representatives. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that, in this area at least, manufacturers are facing some real challenges ahead. In general, order books have shortened considerably and the rising loonie has made selling into these stagnant markets that much more difficult. Hence, there is a need for government to enhance or at least improve stimulative measures that have already been put in place.
With that, I'll Mr. Walker to address the committee.