We're trying to get a sense of how many dollars we think it would take. We have a number in our document here for P.E.I. We're suggesting that we start with $5 million a year. That's based on our livestock and grain strategy, which is still being developed. So to answer your question about how many dollars it would take, we're still in the process of trying to determine that, I guess.
You're right in that there are a number of other strategies happening at the same time. The Maritime pork council, the pork sector, seems to be coming together, perhaps a little better than the beef side of things. I think that's an important part of what has to happen so that these strategies do come together and are all pointing in the same direction. The four federations of agriculture have just signed a new agreement. We are now the Atlantic Federations of Agriculture. We are all trying to work together and to point in that same direction. In the industry, we have some work ourselves in order to make sure we're all meshing, but we're doing that to try to complement what we think is going on at the provincial level.
On what we're seeing with the MOU that was signed by the ministers of agriculture, I think everyone is realizing that the Atlantic region is too small for each individual province to tackle these issues on their own. That's why we are starting to come together a little better. I think the solution does have to lie in an Atlantic regional approach to come up with the answer.