Our sectors are funded by the Canada Council for the Arts and by Canadian Heritage, which does have certain responsibilities, especially in terms of disseminating performance arts. These programs were renewed recently, and we are happy about that.
For example, last year the Liberal Party announced in its platform that it would increase funding for the Canada Council for the Arts to $360 million. We thought that was great news. We hope that the party's next platform will be similar. Foreign Affairs Canada is now saying that it will no longer support international dissemination, which will now be the responsibility of the Canada Council for the Arts. We agree with that. That is what we want. Canadian cultural diplomacy is very important. The Canada Council for the Arts does not have an agent in Berlin or London. The Canadian embassy is supposed to provide that service, but it has been put on the backburner or changed, so we no longer get the services we used to. But not everything can be transferred to the Canada Council for the Arts. Foreign Affairs Canada has to hold on to certain responsibilities and take back some of those it dropped.