Thank you for the question.
I think they go hand in hand. In order to develop technology, to develop innovations, you need the pure research, but then you need the engineering part to bring it to life. We talk about science and technology all the time, but personally, I think we should always be talking about science, engineering, and technology, because it's the triumvirate that will make it happen and help us to be more prosperous.
I would say that we cannot really make a choice; we have to focus on the three aspects. So I will not answer on behalf of one or the other. I think it essential that they work together. That's what's going to make us competitive at the world level.
I totally agree with what was said about the U.S. I think they have seen an incredible opportunity in the clean energy and the climate change situation to seize and become more competitive at the global level. I hope Canada is going to continue in that vein as well.