I don't dispute anything you've said; it's absolutely correct. As I said earlier, the kind of funding we're talking about needs to come for the projects and the heavy lifting. But the role for existing federal entities is to help with this interaction, convening and bringing groups together.
In our report you'll see four examples of really important networks that have been developed among the western provinces, with some support from western economic diversification. That's a layer that helps us with part of the interaction. It's not the biggest thing, but it brings people together.
There are many examples where existing structures, as you've described, have been set up and are doing excellent work. I think our thrust nationally should be to make sure we don't create ever newer structures to do bits and pieces. We need to ask how we can adapt the programs we have to allow them to deal with new challenges and opportunities. That means streamlining our intellectual property regime. That means looking at our incentive programs like SR and ED and asking whether making some changes there would have a positive effect and attract more investment from the private sector.
Our thrust is really to say that we in Genome Prairie have seen the benefit of making the existing programs work together as a really important way to go.