There are lots of problems in the pension system. I don't think people knowing what they're entitled to, what they expect to get, is the major one.
Every day I get a call from a union leader about another company going with CCAA. We could go on at length about what needs to happen. A lot of it is provincial, admittedly, around regulation. There's going be Ontario regulation coming in the next few months. Frankly, my answer is that as somebody who worked in a tire factory, I negotiated a pension and I expected the government to regulate the pension system so I got the pension when I retired. I don't think it was a lot to ask. Frankly, I'm still shocked when I bump into people who tell me about widows whose pension has been cut in half or to 75%. This is not something I ever thought would happen when I was negotiating pensions in a factory.
I could go on at length about why it happened. A lot of it is provincial. Your responsibility, I would argue, is to create that debate. I think the work you've done to have that debate is good. But I would ask you to turn your eyes to the public pension plan, and we'll work like heck here in the province of Ontario to try to get the regulations fixed here.