I think it's perfectly clear.
Generally speaking, I think we're very good in Canada at doing research and producing intellectual property. The weakness is on the commercialization side and that's why we've chosen to address it.
In terms of specialization or focus, rather than simply duplicating efforts, we do two things at McMaster, which in some sense, I think, represent efforts that may not be ubiquitous, but are at least central to many of the major research universities.
First, we have a very strong commitment to setting priorities within the university. We can't do everything at the level we aspire to do it. If excellence is important to us, we must focus, and we have six areas of strategic research priority that inform all of our investment decisions on the research agenda. Mo has mentioned one, materials and manufacturing. We are the leading Canadian university in this area. Another one would be applied radiation sciences. We have a nuclear reactor on campus. We have received KIP money to expand the nuclear research building and activities, and so forth. So we take the focus-setting or priority-setting very seriously.
Second, we have developed a number of collaborative initiatives with other universities. Because Art is here, the one I will mention is our work with the University of Waterloo. We have a couple of major things under way right now. One is a proposal called Green Art, for collaborative research with private sector partners in the greening of the automobile sector, with a view to enhancing productivity and making the sector more competitive internationally, so the Canadian auto industry will remain a state-of-art, leading edge, competitive industry. That's but one example, but we have a number of those.
So I think it's a matter of focus within the institution and setting priorities and also picking areas of collaboration with other institutions that build centres of excellence.