Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, witnesses. They were all good presentations, and I apologize in advance if I'm not able to ask questions to each and every one of you.
Let me start with the Canadian Electricity Association. You're asking for amended CCA rates, presumably that's accelerated capital cost, not decelerated capital cost. This committee had the good fortune of an interesting visit to Weyburn, Saskatchewan, to watch the process there of putting carbon into the ground and enhancing the life of the oil wells in Weyburn. It struck me, and I'm sure it struck other members of the committee, that this was very good for the environment and also very good for the company. They were doing very well, thank you very much. They're enhancing the quality of their wells and improving their life.
The obvious question is this. Why would you need an accelerated capital cost allowance when in fact that particular process appeared to be quite profitable?