Thank you for that question.
You're exactly right. I think from an Own the Podium perspective, the two key priorities to have success at the high performance level are, one, having the proper coaching and technical leadership, and two, making sure our athletes have access to quality facilities. So within that $22 million, within our budget as well, we have put aside some funding to make sure that our top athletes actually have access to facilities.
In addition to this, we all realize, particularly in Ontario and in the greater Toronto area, that there is a dearth of facilities. If we're successful tomorrow in hosting the Pan American Games in 2015, the legacy aspect of those games will go a long way in putting infrastructure in place for some of our top athletes.
It is an issue that we have to address. We have to work with the federal government, obviously, and the provincial governments as well, to ensure that we have adequate facilities for our top athletes, because you're right, without those facilities, they cannot succeed and would otherwise have to train in other countries.