Yes. Thank you very much for the question. I'll start with the context.
We are truly in a global race in science and innovation, and being able to seize exceptional opportunities just in time is enormously important.
I'll mention two things that we've done to increase our agility, to give you an example. In our discovery grants program, which is our program to support basic research, we've introduced a component that is called accelerators. So when people make or are on the verge of making a breakthrough in their research, something that will truly transform their areas, their fields, we can put money in their hands right then so that they can really move faster to make a bigger impact for our country with these discoveries.
The other thing is that in our partnerships with industry, it's enormously important that we increase our agility. We had very extensive consultation when we launched our initiative in the car industry with our colleagues from SSHRC/CRSH, CFI and RC. The industry told us, “We need to come to you when we are ready, when we need you, not on schedules that are imposed by you.”
At NSERC, at the moment, we have several avenues for just-in-time responding to industry, in particular our industrial research chairs. No schedule is imposed by NSERC; people come when they're ready.
Our collaborative research and development grants work like that as well.