Getting people back into the regions is important. A successful economy generally depends on the sum of all its parts. As a federation, we look after students before, during and after their studies. There is a large cohort of students from the regions who pursue their studies in more urban centres, but who want to go back to their home area, either because they have family or friends there, or because they like the pace of life. However, they are waiting for incentives.
We see Bill C-288 as an additional measure to complement other incentives already available in the regions. In Quebec, there are a lot of initiatives in place that promote tourist and other attractions in the regions. However, there is a lack of capital. And this is the type of support which will make all the difference for people.
We have some actual examples, in our respective circles, of people buying houses and starting a family. We look at this from a longer term perspective, but the fact is that more families in the regions mean economic stimulation. That means jobs can be created. For example, physicians are needed to provide medical care to families and they then become local consumers. For us, providing stimulus to the regions is a way to ensure the whole province is on a sound footing.
I don't know whether my colleague, Mathias, has anything to add.