Thank you, Chair.
Welcome, Minister.
I'm sure I could probably provide the opposition member with several hundred examples simply from my own riding, from the municipalities that I talk to. I'd certainly be willing to sit down and give him direct anecdotal evidence of such, and I know most members around this table are probably experiencing something similar.
However, Minister, there isn't anybody who doesn't recognize that we're in a global economic malaise and that it's certainly going to require a concentrated global response and, quite frankly, an unprecedented level of cooperation, both internationally and domestically. As you have mentioned, Canada has been participating in the various regulatory bodies, and certainly you personally, as our finance minister, have been, whether it's the G7 or the G20. Through budget 2009 and this bill, you've intimated that we have met and will meet our international stimulus commitment. We've actually exceeded, I understand, the suggested stimulus levels of the IMF.
What I think most people recognize, and what I'm more familiar with, of course, as a member in this country, is that we need a coordinated approach domestically--I work with my provincial colleagues on a routine daily basis--so we must have the provinces join in as part of the solution. In regard to your discussions with our provincial counterparts, how confident are you that they are willing to step up to the plate and help provide a coordinated stimulus effort?