Thank you, Honourable Chair. It's good to be here today.
I'd just like to say a few words in my language.
[Witness speaks in Secwepemc]
My name is Chief Keith Matthew. I'm from the Simpcw First Nation. I'm on the HST committee for the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs.
I'd like to open my comments by saying that we do not see this as adequate or meaningful consultation on this particular issue, to be called one hour before a committee meeting. We want to engage on this particular issue, but we haven't had that opportunity. I need to state that for the record.
We are here to express concern with the current implementation process of the harmonized sales tax. I would like to meet and engage in meaningful consultations to ensure that our community's current tax benefits are unimpeded and uninterrupted by the potential passage of this legislation.
As you know, first nations in Canada have tax exemption for personal and real property situated on reserves under section 87 of the Indian Act, 1985. To date, B.C. first nations have not been consulted in any way about the potential HST legislation, although it stands to impact our communities, lands, and resources.
Because of this lack of consultation and inclusion, we are not clear about how the HST will affect and impact first nations bands, individuals, and companies. The UBCIC council, by resolution, has directed the UBCIC executive to raise concerns with the ministries of finance of the provincial and federal governments regarding the HST and its impacts on B.C. first nations, and to call for meaningful consultation accommodation, including commitments to develop appropriate information packages regarding the application of HST to first nations, inclusion of specific non-derogation language regarding the preservation of section 87 of the Indian Act tax exemption, and continuing rights of first nations taxation rights under the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act and first nations sales tax prior to B.C. and Canada signing the Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreement.
We are asking you to include the non-derogation language arrived at with the appropriate consultation with first nations into the CITCA immediately and well before the passage of CITCA through the legislatures.
Further to that, our communities are poorly equipped as the poorest of Canada's poor. We see the HST as a shift from business to consumers. We pay taxes when buying goods and services off reserve. Most of our reserves in B.C. do not have a retail sector. We do most of our purchasing off reserve, and as the poorest of the poor, we are poorly equipped to deal with that shift.
Thank you, Mr. Chair, for considering these comments. I appreciate this opportunity.
[Witness speaks in Secwepemc]