Thank you for that.
Mr. Chair, I really don't have any response whatsoever. I met personally with Minister Flaherty. He gave me his assurance that we would sit down and have this dialogue. Then, once we met with the officials—senior ministers, the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Revenue for Ontario—they reiterated that this is what was going to happen. We received some correspondence back from those gentlemen saying that they already spoke with the chiefs of Ontario, that they already spoke with us. That dialogue never occurred, sir.
As a matter of fact, what we've been hearing clearly from the office of Minister Flaherty is that there's no need to discuss this issue. We continue to raise this issue with members of Parliament and members of the Senate to say that we haven't been treated fairly with respect to these issues. And we think that should have been the response as a first course. Unfortunately, nothing has come back with respect to any of the points you raised, sir.