Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I really didn't have a speech to make, but I wanted to pursue the line of questioning I had before, if you'll forgive the diversion back to a different approach.
I was more interested in what Mr. Amos and Mr. Edwards said. Again, I go back to what I indicated earlier on, without any false humility. I think I am reflective of the people who actually worked on the committee to try to get to the heart of the matter. I think Ms. Tully, who came as one of the witnesses, would probably say that members around the table were really trying to come up with an appropriate report. Whether they succeeded is another matter.
There are two things I've heard that caused me some concern. One is that the language suggests that parliamentarians are poised to take away rights of Canadians without having consulted with them. I'm concerned because it puts me in the position of someone who is ready to take away a right that's been enjoyed. I'm not in government, so I'll leave that responsibility to the people on the other side.
We do represent Canadians and we did go through a consultation process. I'm not sure it's very helpful to think in terms of whether rights were being removed.
I want to ask that question again, maybe to Mr. Amos and Mr. Osbaldeston, because I asked this question once before when representatives from Fisheries and Oceans, Environment Canada, the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and I believe, Newfoundland and Labrador—although I may be wrong on that one—and the various municipalities and organizations of municipalities came forward, and that is this. If Transport Canada receives a report that suggested it could make changes to the Navigable Waters Protection Act consistent with what is now on the table, does that in any way derogate from the authority of Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans, and the other provinces to conduct their studies and come up with a negative response?